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Checklist to define the next level of your IT career
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Checklist to define the next level of your IT career

By Xpand IT

At Xpand IT, technical and interpersonal skills are crucial. As you advance in your IT career, the question arises: Are you ready for the next step? Deciding between continuing to deepen your technical expertise or transitioning into a management role is a significant crossroads.

Each path offers unique opportunities and challenges, and making the right choice requires carefully considering your skills, interests, and long-term goals.

To help others make this pivotal decision, we have created a detailed checklist based on our field experience to help determine which path to pursue. Whether you are passionate about solving complex technical problems or eager to lead and develop teams, this guide will provide the tools and insights needed to make an informed decision. 

Self-assessment of skills and interests

Technical skills 

  • Current expertise: what are your current technical competencies? Do you have a deep and up-to-date knowledge of your areas of specialisation? 
  • Passion for technology: are you still enthusiastic about learning new technologies, programming languages, or methodologies? 
  • Problem solving: do you enjoy solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions through technology? 

Management skills 

  • Leadership: do you have leadership skills or an interest in developing them? 
  • Communication: are you good at communicating ideas clearly and effectively verbally and in writing? 
  • Team management: are you interested in coordinating and motivating teams and helping others reach their potential? 

Exploring career opportunities

Technical advancement 

  • Certifications and training: will you invest time and resources in advanced certifications or specialised courses? 
  • Complex projects: do you seek to work on technically challenging projects that allow you to use and expand your skills? 
  • Specialisation: do you consider yourself an expert in a specific field and want to deepen this specialisation further? 

Management advancement 

  • Management training: are you interested in obtaining specific training, such as an MBA or project management courses? 
  • Practical experience: can you seek opportunities to lead projects, even if they are small, to gain management experience? 
  • Mentoring: do you have the chance to mentor less experienced colleagues, helping them grow professionally?

Personal satisfaction

  • Intrinsic motivation: what motivates you more – solving complex technical problems or leading and developing teams? 
  • Long-term impact 
    • Career goals: where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years? Which path better aligns with your long-term goals?
    • Contribution to the organisation: how do you want to contribute to your organisation’s success – as a technical expert or a leader?

Decision making

Consultation with Mentors and Colleagues 

  • Feedback: seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, and managers about your skills and potential in both paths. 
  • Discussions: engage in open discussions with professionals who have made this transition to understand the challenges and benefits they face. 

Planning and Action 

  • Development plan: create a career development plan with short- and long-term goals for your chosen path. 
  • Immediate actions: identify immediate actions you can take to advance in the selected direction, such as courses, certifications, or seeking new responsibilities. 

Xpand IT’s commitment to your career

At Xpand IT, we care deeply about our employees’ careers. That’s why we have a continuous feedback system to monitor and support the professional growth of our Xpanders. We also operate a meritocracy system that rewards individuals based on their achievements and contributions.  

Their development and success are our priority, and we provide the resources and opportunities they need to excel in their chosen path. 

Deciding between continuing the technical path or transitioning to management is a significant personal and professional choice. This checklist can help clarify your priorities and make an informed decision.  

Regardless of the chosen path, the most important thing is to continue learning and growing, adapting to changes and challenges in the tech world. 

Good luck on your career journey!